我们来自同一个地方! 中 国 We come from the same place! - China 打造网络安全,传扬黑客文化! Thanks network security, creating a culture of hackers! 捍卫祖国尊严,勿忘国耻! And defend the motherland's dignity, forget the National Humiliation! 此站被黑,停止访问! The station was black, and stop to visit! By XXX QQ 0123456 E-mail:hackercc@msn.com
We come from the same place! - China
Thanks network security, creating a culture of hackers!
And defend the motherland's dignity, forget the National Humiliation!
The station was black, and stop to visit!
By XXX QQ 0123456 E-mail:hackercc@msn.com